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2513 publications by 1545 unique, incorporated, industrial, institutional or academic entities (see full alphabetical list) evaluating or building upon the IOTA protocol.

Monthly (red) and cumulative news (blue). See detailed charts
General news


Dell Inc. 14 There are 14 news associated with Dell Inc. in the archive.
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Intel Corporation 27 There are 27 news associated with Intel Corporation in the archive.
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An article from Dell was published, citing the "continued success of Project Alvarium, three companies [Dell, Intel and IOTA] are accelerating the advancement of Data Confidence Fabric technology."

Original source
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


Dell Inc. 14 There are 14 news associated with Dell Inc. in the archive.
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Dell explains how Project Alvarium and IOTA enable the transition from applications controlling our data to humans controlling their data in a video presentation

Original sources
Suggested by: Dawn The archive contains 1 entry filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1


University of Bologna 10 There are 10 news associated with University of Bologna in the archive.
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Technical University of Madrid 13 There are 13 news associated with Technical University of Madrid in the archive.
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University of Urbino 06 There are 6 news associated with University of Urbino in the archive.
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Members of the University of Madrid, University of Bologna and University of Urbino published a paper titled "Towards Decentralized Complex Queries over Distributed Ledgers: a Data Marketplace Use-case", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (23x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Evrythng 12 There are 12 news associated with Evrythng in the archive.
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The CTO and co-founder of Evrythng highlights IOTA's improved energy efficiency as one of the main reasons Evrythng supports IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10
General news


Crypto Storage AG 04 There are 4 news associated with Crypto Storage AG in the archive.
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Crypto Finance AG published an article highlighting aspects of its integration of IOTA's Chrysalis network update

Original sources
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


Dig it 04 There are 4 news associated with Dig it in the archive.
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Dig_it congratulates IOTA to its recent Chrysalis network update

Original source
Suggested by: Ololo The archive contains 18 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 18


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 12 There are 12 news associated with COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in the archive.
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Members of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology published a paper titled "A Privacy Preserving Hybrid Blockchain based Announcement Scheme for Vehicular Energy Network", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (35x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Anna University new There is 1 news associated with Anna University in the archive.
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Members of the Anna University published a paper titled "A Blockchain based Patient Centric EHR Storage and Integrity Management for e-Health Systems", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


EClass e.V. 15 There are 15 news associated with EClass e.V. in the archive.
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Robert Bosch GmbH 42 There are 42 news associated with Robert Bosch GmbH in the archive.
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Noxum GmbH new There is 1 news associated with Noxum GmbH in the archive.
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Noxum GmbH tweets and image from an EClass presentation, mentioning "Economic advantages of ECLASS, the exciting path of product data structuring and classification at Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH and their way to the Digital Twin"

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


Crypto Storage AG 04 There are 4 news associated with Crypto Storage AG in the archive.
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Crypto Storage AG published an article, mentioning "we are excited to have successfully completed the IOTA Chrysalis Upgrade and are looking forward to more innovative projects shaping #DLT and the financial industry."

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76
General news


Ensuresec 04 There are 4 news associated with Ensuresec in the archive.
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Ensuresec endorses IOTA's Chrysalis upgrade" and notes that it "will provide a hugely scalable and secure infrastructure for sharing auditable data among Ensuresec tools for cyberphysical threats prevention & mitigation"

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76
General news


ITAInnova 02 There are 2 news associated with ITAInnova in the archive.
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Itainnova published an article titled "Why is the new IOTA upgrade (Chrysalis) the key for a trusted mining industry?"

Original sources
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


Filancore GmbH 02 There are 2 news associated with Filancore GmbH in the archive.
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Filancore GmbH tweets that it published its first IOTA Identity on the upgraded Chrysalis mainnet

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76
General news


Evrythng 12 There are 12 news associated with Evrythng in the archive.
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Evrythng shares a Nasdaq article of Jens Munch Lund Nielsen "how DLT brings legitimacy to global trade through trust and transparency"

Original source
Referenced members Jens Munch Lund-Nielsen
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


Blackpin GmbH 05 There are 5 news associated with Blackpin GmbH in the archive.
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Blackpin congratulates the IOTA Foundation to the successful Chrysalis network update

Original source
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


BiiLabs Co. Ltd. 57 There are 57 news associated with BiiLabs Co. Ltd. in the archive.
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Biilabsa notes that it is working on a new IOTA-based traceability platform, expected to launch end of Q2 2021.

Original source
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21


Technical University of Madrid 13 There are 13 news associated with Technical University of Madrid in the archive.
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University of Bologna 10 There are 10 news associated with University of Bologna in the archive.
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University of Urbino 06 There are 6 news associated with University of Urbino in the archive.
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Members of the University of Urbino, University of Bologna and Technical University of Madrid published a paper titled "MOVO: a dApp for DLT-based Smart Mobility", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (15x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Object Management Group 93 There are 93 news associated with Object Management Group in the archive.
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The Object Management Group continues its efforts of standardising the IOTA protocol.

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76


Velammal College of Engineering and Technology new There is 1 news associated with Velammal College of Engineering and Technology in the archive.
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Members of the Velammal College of Engineering and Technology published a paper titled "Current Trends in Integrating the Blockchain With Cloud-Based Internet of Things", mentioning IOTA/Tangle

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Amity University Noida 03 There are 3 news associated with Amity University Noida in the archive.
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A member of the Amity University published a paper titled "Blockchain: A Ledger for IoT-Enabled Secure Systems", mentioning IOTA/Tangle

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


University of Glasgow 02 There are 2 news associated with University of Glasgow in the archive.
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Chongqing University 04 There are 4 news associated with Chongqing University in the archive.
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Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication 06 There are 6 news associated with Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication in the archive.
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China Electronic Technology Cyber Security Co. Ltd. new There is 1 news associated with China Electronic Technology Cyber Security Co. Ltd. in the archive.
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Member of China Electronic Technology Cyber Security Co. Ltd., University of Glasgow, Chongqing University, Beijing University published a paper titled "Block Access Control in Wireless Blockchain Network: Design, Modeling and Analysis" mentioning IOTA/Tangle

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Waseda University new There is 1 news associated with Waseda University in the archive.
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East West University new There is 1 news associated with East West University in the archive.
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Members of the East West University and Waseda University published a paper titled "Blockchain–a promising solution to internet of things: A comprehensive analysis, opportunities, challenges and future research issues", mentioning IOTA/Tangle

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Zignar Technologies 02 There are 2 news associated with Zignar Technologies in the archive.
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Zignar Technologies states "Most of greenhouse farmers are not reaching the maximum yield because they are dealing with lots of variables, data silos, and complex relationships. That is where AYNI Precision Agriculture solution comes in. Our first Implementation is scheduled for Q2 in AB, Canada" and notes that "all data is encrypted, shared and stored on the IOTA Tangle"

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
Job offer


United Nations World Food Programme new There is 1 news associated with United Nations World Food Programme in the archive.
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The United Nations World Food Programme offers a position for a "Blockchain Technical Solutions Consultant" with "Project experience with blockchain and DLT such as Hyperledger, Ethereum, Corda, #IOTA"

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


University of Birmingham new There is 1 news associated with University of Birmingham in the archive.
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Southern University of Science and Technology China new There is 1 news associated with Southern University of Science and Technology China in the archive.
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University of Hawaii new There is 1 news associated with University of Hawaii in the archive.
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Members of the University of Hawaii, Southern University of Science and Technology China and University of Birmingham published paper titled "Architecting Internet of Things Systems with Blockchain: A Catalog of Tactics" mentioning IOTA/Tangle

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
Job offer


Siemens AG 55 There are 55 news associated with Siemens AG in the archive.
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Siemens AG offers a student position writing a Master Thesis in the field of "Blockchain" and "Internet of Things", with a base knowledge of blockchain technology (e.g. IOTA).

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Zebra Technologies Corp. 16 There are 16 news associated with Zebra Technologies Corp. in the archive.
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Zebra Technologies announced that the "Track & Trace API powered by Zebra Savanna now includes pagination when retrieving data in chunks from the Tangle ultimately increasing response times + more"

Original sources
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


Cartesi 02 There are 2 news associated with Cartesi in the archive.
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Cartesi states that "By integrating IOTA Oracles into the Cartesi computational oracle, we will enable smart devices and corporate servers to check data integrity and provenance, as well as giving them the functionality to execute verifiable batch processing"

Original source
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


Object Management Group 93 There are 93 news associated with Object Management Group in the archive.
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The Object Management Group notes to be "Excited to see progress on the IOTA #Chrysalis upgrade this week. This implements many IOTA Tangle features that will be in the upcoming Object Management Group standard for the IOTA Protocol"

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76


Taif University new There is 1 news associated with Taif University in the archive.
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University of Sfax 02 There are 2 news associated with University of Sfax in the archive.
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Edinburgh Napier University 07 There are 7 news associated with Edinburgh Napier University in the archive.
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Members of the University of Sfax, Taif University and Napier University published a paper titled "Implementation of Blockchain Consensus Algorithm on Embedded Architecture", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Evrythng 12 There are 12 news associated with Evrythng in the archive.
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Evrything states "Happy to announce that EVRYTHNG has started the work to migrate to our IOTA BlockchainHub integration to Chrysalis!

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


DigitalMRV 03 There are 3 news associated with DigitalMRV in the archive.
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DigitalMRV published an article showing IOTA's energy efficiency, noting "IOTA’s Chrysalis and Green IT ecosystem enables transformational change towards sustainable and regenerative practices"

Original sources
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10


Fiware Foundation 06 There are 6 news associated with Fiware Foundation in the archive.
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Fiware invites Dominik Schiener as keynote speaker at its FIWAREDLT4GovDAY

Original sources
Referenced members Dominik Schiener
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21


Energinet 06 There are 6 news associated with Energinet in the archive.
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Wilfried Pimenta is invited to present the Innovation potential of #IOTA and open source Distributed Ledger Technologies / Blockchain for the Energy Transition at Energinet's Online Innovation Festival

Original source
Referenced members Wilfried Pimenta de Miranda
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


BlockRocket GmbH 02 There are 2 news associated with BlockRocket GmbH in the archive.
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Blockrocket announces Reginbe Haschka-Helmer as a jury member "at our upcoming Blockrocket monthly pitch event on April 22nd".

Original source
Referenced members Regine Haschka-Helmer
Suggested by: Mana The archive contains 1 entry filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1


Energinet 06 There are 6 news associated with Energinet in the archive.
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Energinet invited Wilfried Pimenta de Miranda for a presentation to its Innovation Festival

Original source
Referenced members Wilfried Pimenta de Miranda
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76
General news


Trimoda GmbH 03 There are 3 news associated with Trimoda GmbH in the archive.
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Omoku announces "a major upgrade on our platform on 28.04. Our new API that is being integrated in different kind of applications and use cases will be part of it"

Original source
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


Double M Properties Oy 05 There are 5 news associated with Double M Properties Oy in the archive.
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Heliostorage provides some details on how "measurement data in the screen capture above is conveyed over the Tangle from our customer controller to our cloud server"

Original source
Suggested by: Mananama The archive contains 3 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 3
General news


Eikona Systems GmbH 02 There are 2 news associated with Eikona Systems GmbH in the archive.
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Eikona expresses its excitement about IOTA's upcoming Chrysalis protocol update

Original source
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10


Prince Sultan University new There is 1 news associated with Prince Sultan University in the archive.
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Integral University new There is 1 news associated with Integral University in the archive.
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Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University new There is 1 news associated with Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in the archive.
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Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University new There is 1 news associated with Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University in the archive.
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Members of Prince Sultan University, Integral University, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University and Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University published a paper titled "Ensuring data integrity of healthcare information in the era of digital health", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


University of Lorraine new There is 1 news associated with University of Lorraine in the archive.
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Members of the University of Lorraine published a paper titled "Innovative blockchain-based farming marketplace and smart contract performance evaluation" mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Fintech Circle new There is 1 news associated with Fintech Circle in the archive.
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Fintech Circle announces its legaltech innovation panel, with Mike Bennett participating in a panel on open legal data

Original sources
Referenced members Mike Bennett
Suggested by: Herman the Sherman The archive contains 1 entry filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1
General news


BiiLabs Co. Ltd. 57 There are 57 news associated with BiiLabs Co. Ltd. in the archive.
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Biilabs expresses its anticipation of IOTA's upcoming Chrysalis protocol update

Original source
Suggested by: Wermp334 The archive contains 1 entry filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1


National University Singapore new There is 1 news associated with National University Singapore in the archive.
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Sejong University new There is 1 news associated with Sejong University in the archive.
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Birla Institute of Technology and Science 06 There are 6 news associated with Birla Institute of Technology and Science in the archive.
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King Saud University 05 There are 5 news associated with King Saud University in the archive.
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University of Quebec 02 There are 2 news associated with University of Quebec in the archive.
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Members of the National University Singapore, Sejong University, Birla Institute, King Saud University and University of Quebec published a paper titled "Next generation stock exchange: Recurrent neural learning model for distributed ledger transactions", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Fachhochschule Sankt Pölten new There is 1 news associated with Fachhochschule Sankt Pölten in the archive.
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Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University new There is 1 news associated with Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University in the archive.
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Members of the Fachhochschule Sankt Pölten and Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University published a paper titled "Distributed Ledger Technology Applications in Food Supply Chains: A Review of Challenges and Future Research Directions", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
Job offer


Turkey's Automobile Joint Venture Group Inc new There is 1 news associated with Turkey's Automobile Joint Venture Group Inc in the archive.
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Turkey's Automobile Joint Venture Group Inc (TOGG) offers a position for a Blockchain Developer with "knowledge of IOTA, Hyperledger Fabric, Corda or Ethereum"

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76


Construction Blockchain Consortium 04 There are 4 news associated with Construction Blockchain Consortium in the archive.
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University College London 08 There are 8 news associated with University College London in the archive.
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Michele Nati is invited to an event of the Construction Blockchain Consortium hosted by the University College London.

Original source
Referenced members Michele Nati
Suggested by: Memepool The archive contains 1 entry filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1
General news


Zededa 05 There are 5 news associated with Zededa in the archive.
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The Vice President of Ecosystem at Zededa suggests to "stay tuned for details on how to get involved in #ProjectAlvarium. COVID delayed a bit but we'll be spinning up open collaboration soon." in reply to Mathew Yarger

Original source
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


Rogimed new There is 1 news associated with Rogimed in the archive.
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The founder of Rogimed announces that Rogimed will use the IOTA Tangle soon

Original source
Suggested by: HuanJuan The archive contains 2 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 2


Lisk Center Utrecht 02 There are 2 news associated with Lisk Center Utrecht in the archive.
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The Lisk Center Utrecht invited Jelle Millenaar for a presentation of IOTA

Original source
Referenced members Jelle Millenaar
Suggested by: HuanJuan The archive contains 2 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 2


University of Zürich 04 There are 4 news associated with University of Zürich in the archive.
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Michele Nati is invited as lecturer for a blockchain summer course by the University of Zurich

Original source
Referenced members Michele Nati
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


Zanni & Partner Ltd 04 There are 4 news associated with Zanni & Partner Ltd in the archive.
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Zanni mentions "aside from what we do with our products is much more complex than sending simple data packets via DSTS, the opportunity for industry via IOTA opportunity is terrific. Thumbs up. It's just easy and that is brilliant."

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


Istanbul Technical University 03 There are 3 news associated with Istanbul Technical University in the archive.
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A member of Istanbul Technical University published a paper titled "The Detection of Illicit Cryptocurrency Mining Farms in Electrical Distribution Systems with Innovative Approaches", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Norges Bank 04 There are 4 news associated with Norges Bank in the archive.
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A member of Norges Bank published a paper titled "Who is Liable for Non-Compliant Cryptocurrency Transactions: Why Not Hang a Bitcoin Miner Now and Then?", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Chemnitz University of Technology 02 There are 2 news associated with Chemnitz University of Technology in the archive.
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A member of Chemnitz University published a paper titled "Dynamic time series momentum of cryptocurrencies", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Zebra Technologies Corp. 16 There are 16 news associated with Zebra Technologies Corp. in the archive.
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Zebra Technologies announces "updates including support for print registration, refinement of the existing APIs so scalability is easier & more to the IOTA Track and Trace API on Zebra Savanna"

Original sources
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


Lisk Center Utrecht 02 There are 2 news associated with Lisk Center Utrecht in the archive.
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The Lisk Center Utrecht announces Jelle Millenaar as speaker

Original source
Referenced members Jelle Millenaar
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


Wear It Berlin GmbH new There is 1 news associated with Wear It Berlin GmbH in the archive.
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Wear It Berlin GmbH invited Michele Nati to "speak at our next wearitlive event on the topic of blockchain and datasecurity"

Original source
Referenced members Michele Nati
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
General news


Zanni & Partner Ltd 04 There are 4 news associated with Zanni & Partner Ltd in the archive.
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Zanni announces its "first data transmissionto" using IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


The Mitre Corporation new There is 1 news associated with The Mitre Corporation in the archive.
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The IOTA Foundation is being listed as a member in the "Vaccination Credential Initiative" (VCI)

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


Jelastic Inc new There is 1 news associated with Jelastic Inc in the archive.
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The Jelastic CEO announces a webinar to explain an easy and accessible way to install IOTA node on Elastic VPS

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


Near East University new There is 1 news associated with Near East University in the archive.
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Members of the Near East University published a paper titled "Artificial intelligence and blockchain: A review", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


University of Zilina new There is 1 news associated with University of Zilina in the archive.
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Members of the University of Zilina published a paper titled "Portfolio Optimalization on Digital Currency Market", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Horizon new There is 1 news associated with Horizon in the archive.
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Horizon announced its partnership with the IOTA Foundation

Original source
Suggested by: Mananama The archive contains 3 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 3
General news


National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology 02 There are 2 news associated with National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in the archive.
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Members of the National Kaohsiung University published a paper titled "An IOTA-Based Service Discovery Framework for Fog Computing", mentioning IOTA (139x)

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


Siemens AG 55 There are 55 news associated with Siemens AG in the archive.
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A patent application filed by Siemens Healthcare Gmbh was published, titled "Providing And Receiving Medical Data Records", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (1x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Construction Blockchain Consortium 04 There are 4 news associated with Construction Blockchain Consortium in the archive.
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University College London 08 There are 8 news associated with University College London in the archive.
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The Construction Blockchain Consortium published the talk with Michele Nati

Original source
Referenced members Michele Nati
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13


Queen Mary University of London 02 There are 2 news associated with Queen Mary University of London in the archive.
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A member of Queen Mary University of London published a paper titled "Security and Trust in IoT Data Streams using Tangle Distributed Ledger and Node-RED Technology", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (130x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Zhoukou Normal University new There is 1 news associated with Zhoukou Normal University in the archive.
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A patent application filed by Zhoukou Normal University was published, titled "A communication mechanism for complex IoT federated blockchain systems", mentioning IOTA (2x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


National Academy of Agrarian Sciences new There is 1 news associated with National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in the archive.
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Zaporizhya National University new There is 1 news associated with Zaporizhya National University in the archive.
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Jiangsu Normal University new There is 1 news associated with Jiangsu Normal University in the archive.
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Members of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University and Zaporizhya National University published a paper titled "Comparative andInformative Characteristic of the Legal Regulation of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: State and Prospects", mentioning IOTA (1x)

Original sources
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Babcock University new There is 1 news associated with Babcock University in the archive.
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Members of Babcock University published a paper titled "Cryptocurrencies And Nigeria Economy", mentioning IOTA (1x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


University of Huddersfield 06 There are 6 news associated with University of Huddersfield in the archive.
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Members of the University of Huddersfield published a paper titled "Enabling Distributed Intelligence in the Internet of Things with IOTA and Mobile Agents", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (70x)

Original sources
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


UniCredit S.p.A. new There is 1 news associated with UniCredit S.p.A. in the archive.
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The head of retail banking at UniCredit S.p.A. mentions "While all the hype goes to Cryptos, Bitcoins and AltCoins, are Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) closer and closer to massive Smart Contracts expansion? For personal curiosity, I am keeping a close eye on this IOTA iotapplications Firefly innovation"

Original source
Suggested by: Ololo The archive contains 18 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 18
General news


European Blockchain Association new There is 1 news associated with European Blockchain Association in the archive.
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The European Blockchain Association welcomes the IOTA Foundation to the EBA Proof-of-Stake Working Group (EUPoS)

Original source
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76
General news


WOF Group s.r.o. new There is 1 news associated with WOF Group s.r.o. in the archive.
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The WOF published an interview with Jens Munch Lund Nielsen on "IOTA ensuring the data integrity, or so called trusted internet”

Original sources
Referenced members Jens Munch Lund-Nielsen
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10


S&P Global Inc. new There is 1 news associated with S&P Global Inc. in the archive.
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A patent application filed by S&P Global Inc was published, titled "Dynamic Multi-Party Message Reporting System", mentioning IOTA (1x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Cartesi 02 There are 2 news associated with Cartesi in the archive.
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Cartesi partners with the IOTA Foundation to accelerate smart contract adoption for the IoT

Original sources
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10
General news


IOT2Tangle 09 There are 9 news associated with IOT2Tangle in the archive.
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Ruuvi Innovations Ltd. OY 03 There are 3 news associated with Ruuvi Innovations Ltd. OY in the archive.
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IoT2Tangle published an integration for Ruuvi tags sending information to the IOTA Tangle through Streams

Original source
Suggested by: Wololo The archive contains 13 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 13
Job offer


Ernst & Young 08 There are 8 news associated with Ernst & Young in the archive.
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Ernst & Young offers a position for a (Senior) Consultant for Emerging Technologies Consulting (Financial Services) for support in strategic consultations for the introduction of innovative solutions with a focus on blockchain / distributed ledger technologies (Hyperledger, Ethereum, Corda, IOTA) as well as collaboration on future topics such as issuance, trading and custody of digital assets, as well as use cases related to digital money (CBDC)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


IoT Center Pakistan pvt ltd new There is 1 news associated with IoT Center Pakistan pvt ltd in the archive.
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Michele Nati was invited by the IoT Center Pakistan for a talk "Internet of Things (IoT) on 21 Century Silk Road International Summit 2021"

Original sources
Referenced members Michele Nati
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Khalifa University 02 There are 2 news associated with Khalifa University in the archive.
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Kyung Hee University 08 There are 8 news associated with Kyung Hee University in the archive.
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Queensland University of Technology 05 There are 5 news associated with Queensland University of Technology in the archive.
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Innopolis University 09 There are 9 news associated with Innopolis University in the archive.
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Members of Khalifa University, Kyung Hee University, Queensland University Of Technology and Innopolis University published a paper titled "Blockchain-based Digital Twins: Research Trends, Issues, and Future Challenges", mentioning IOTA (7x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Object Management Group 93 There are 93 news associated with Object Management Group in the archive.
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In another meeting, the Object Management Group discussed the status quo of its efforts to standardize the IOTA protocol and IOTA Smart Contracts

Original source
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


Zededa 05 There are 5 news associated with Zededa in the archive.
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Zededa pitches at Tech Scouts, at the Telecom Council's Innovation Showcase 2021, with "IOTA inside"

Original sources
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21
General news


bIOTAsphere 08 There are 8 news associated with bIOTAsphere in the archive.
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The IOTA-based KUPKrush project has been entered in a Smart City innovation project sponsored by Toronto, New York, Edinburgh, Amsterdam & Copenhagen

Original sources
Suggested by: Mark The archive contains 76 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 76


Simula Research Laboratory new There is 1 news associated with Simula Research Laboratory in the archive.
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Members of the Simula Research Lab published a paper titled "Blockchain Testing: Challenges, Techniques, and Research Directions", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (10x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Canadian University of Bangladesh new There is 1 news associated with Canadian University of Bangladesh in the archive.
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A member of the Canadian University of Bangladesh published a paper titled "Decentralized Automated Direct Government System Using AI And Blockchain: Literature Review and Architecture Modelling", mentioning IOTA (1x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Ibn Tofail University new There is 1 news associated with Ibn Tofail University in the archive.
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A member of Ibn Tofail University published a paper titled "Ibn Tofail University", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Bielefeld University new There is 1 news associated with Bielefeld University in the archive.
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Members of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Bielefeld University published a paper titled "Feeless Micropayments as Drivers for New Business Models: Two Exemplary Application Cases", mentioning IOTA (2x)

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393


University of Nevada 02 There are 2 news associated with University of Nevada in the archive.
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Members of the University of Nevada published a paper titled "CoviReader: Using IOTA and QR Code Technology to Control Epidemic Diseases across the US", based on IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 02 There are 2 news associated with Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in the archive.
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Imperial College London 10 There are 10 news associated with Imperial College London in the archive.
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La Trobe University 04 There are 4 news associated with La Trobe University in the archive.
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Members of the University Of Helsinki, Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology, Imperial College London And La Trobe University published a paper titled "A survey of consensus algorithms in public blockchain systems for crypto-currencies", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Ensuresec 04 There are 4 news associated with Ensuresec in the archive.
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Ensuresec states "Securing the ecommerce ecosystem against cyber physical threats is our main goal. Our partner #IOTA is looking for ways to use DLT to achieve this goal"

Original source
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10


Zhejiang University new There is 1 news associated with Zhejiang University in the archive.
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Emory University new There is 1 news associated with Emory University in the archive.
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Simon Fraser University new There is 1 news associated with Simon Fraser University in the archive.
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign new There is 1 news associated with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the archive.
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Members of Zhejiang University, Emory University, Simon Fraser University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign published a paper titled "Dealer: An End-to-End Model Marketplace with Differential Privacy", mentioning IOTA (3x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
General news


Construction Blockchain Consortium 04 There are 4 news associated with Construction Blockchain Consortium in the archive.
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The Construction Blockchain Consortium states "It's not long until our hands-on workshop with #iota! On 30th March we'll be developing an IOTA network for Smart Cities, and discussing IOTA's technologies and current projects"

Original source
Suggested by: Anonymous The archive contains 393 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 393
General news


CHAISE new There is 1 news associated with CHAISE in the archive.
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European Digital SME Alliance 02 There are 2 news associated with European Digital SME Alliance in the archive.
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Fujitsu Ltd. 30 There are 30 news associated with Fujitsu Ltd. in the archive.
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The IOTA Foundation joins the CHAISE consortium together with leading blockchain technology organizations, including INATBA, Fujitsu and EU Digital SME, to provide blockchain innovation and skills development under a four-year Grant

Original sources
Suggested by: Feli The archive contains 10 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 10


University of Manitoba new There is 1 news associated with University of Manitoba in the archive.
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Members of the University of Manitoba published a paper titled "Blockchain Networks: Data Structures of Bitcoin, Monero, Zcash, Ethereum, Ripple and Iota", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (102x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
Job offer


Byte5 Digital Media GmbH new There is 1 news associated with Byte5 Digital Media GmbH in the archive.
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Byte5 Digital Media GmbH offers a position for an "open-minded lead developer for a DLT project using IOTA"

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940
Job offer


Chemnitz University of Technology 02 There are 2 news associated with Chemnitz University of Technology in the archive.
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The Chemnitz University of Technology offers a position for a research assistant for the "development of a transport layer protocol for efficient transmission of IOTA data over LoRaWAN".

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Pune University new There is 1 news associated with Pune University in the archive.
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Members of Pune University published a paper titled "Performance-Based Analysis of Blockchain Scalability Metric", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (11x)

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


Western Sydney University 02 There are 2 news associated with Western Sydney University in the archive.
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Members of Western Sydney University published a paper titled "A methodology for selection of a Blockchain platform to develop an enterprise system", mentioning IOTA

Original source
Suggested by: The Librarian The archive contains 1940 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 1940


KuppingerCole Analysts AG 05 There are 5 news associated with KuppingerCole Analysts AG in the archive.
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Michele Nati and Jose Cantera are invited to a talk hosted by KuppingerCole about "Rethinking the Risks in Your Software Supply Chain"

Original source
Referenced members Michele Nati José Manuel Cantera
Suggested by: Hodor The archive contains 21 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 21

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