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Contributions filed under the pseudonym Mananama

3 archive entries are based on suggestion that have been made under the pseudonym Mananama. Please note that pseudonyms/identities are not being verified: anyone can enter any pseudonym when submitting an entry.

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Double M Properties Oy 07 There are 7 news associated with Double M Properties Oy in the archive.
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Heliostorage provides some details on how "measurement data in the screen capture above is conveyed over the Tangle from our customer controller to our cloud server"

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Contribution: Mananama The archive contains 3 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 3
General news


Horizon new There is 1 news associated with Horizon in the archive.
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Horizon announced its partnership with the IOTA Foundation

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Contribution: Mananama The archive contains 3 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 3
General news


Zebra Technologies Corp. 20 There are 20 news associated with Zebra Technologies Corp. in the archive.
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Zebra Technologies published an article titled "Distributed Ledger And Blockchain Technology Can Help Us Create A Universally Accessible And Globally Trusted Vaccine Verification System. Here’s How.", mentioning IOTA/Tangle (11x)

Original source
Contribution: Mananama The archive contains 3 submissions filed under this pseudonym (click for all). Note that identities of submitters are not being verified. 3
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